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Go Pink! November 02, 2021 Alternate Text

If you haven’t already gone Team Pink, then it’s time to get on board. Pink Himalayan salt has a minimum of 84 essential elements that we require. It does not dehydrate upon consumption, nor does it cause any type of water retention or bloating, neither thirst, unlike regular table salt.

These are some of the benefits that you can expect by consuming Himalayan salt in place of regular table salt that include:

• Aiding in vascular health
• Supporting healthy lungs and respiratory function
• Promoting a stable pH balance within the cells
• Reducing the signs of aging
• Promoting healthy sleep patterns
• Increasing libido
• Prevents muscle cramps
• Increases hydration
• Strengthen bones
• Lowers blood pressure
• Improves circulation
• Detoxifying the body of heavy metals
• Creates an electrolyte balance
• Prevents goitres
• Reduces acid reflux
• Helps the intestines absorb nutrients

Use it in all your cooking, baking, and drinking (making a Sole drinking solution). Bathe with it as well. There are many techniques in using Himalayan salt products to benefit your health.

In your iHEALTHe® Reset program, Himalayan salt is always encouraged to be used in all your food preparations. It tastes good and does not leave a bitter taste either. The benefits are tremendous.

Keep implementing this in your regular food regimen even after you complete your Reset Journey. Keep the healthy dietary habits you are learning for life and you will continue to thrive in every way.

Wishing you the best in health,



6175 Hwy 7, Unit 2A Vaughan, ON L4H 0P6
Learn more about the trusted brand iHEALTHe ® Wellness here
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Now available on the Google Play store