Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom to say that all empowering and final word. The word that has us choosing something different, something new.
When we’ve reached our last straw and cannot take anymore, we scream out … ENOUGH!!
It’s ALL starts with the word “ENOUGH!”
Enough of feeling bad.
Enough of feeling tired all the time.
Enough of poor sleep.
Enough of looking bad.
Enough of feeling down.
Enough with all the lies on health and nutrition.
Enough with hiding myself.
Enough of me getting in my own way.
Enough with the inflammation.
Enough with being sick.
Enough with feeling old.
Just … ENOUGH!
So now is the time to say, “Show me the way, iHEALTHe Wellness, as you’ve shown so many before me because today begins the new, happier, healthier, and leaner me.
Today, I’ve had ENOUGH!